+91 9910108708
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Our Services

  1. International document delivery service
  2. Parcel delivery service
  3. Food item to worldwide destinations
  4. International cargo service
  5. Excess baggage unaccompanied delivery
  6. Medicine delivery world wide
  7. Student service worldwide
  8. Relocation service worldwide
  9. Airfreight and sea cargo
  10. Dangerous and hazardous goods
  11. Warehousing & distribution
  12. Import express
  13. Bulky / Palletised Freight
  14. Domestic Aviation Security

Special Services

Special service to UK., USA, UAE, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, South Africa, Kenya, Sri Lanka etc. - Timed delivery - We carry food stuff, personal effects to most other Destinations.


We organize import of Goods, Components, Spares and other items from just about part of the world. Accuracy in both pick-up and delivery of Items, Documentation, Safety and Competitive prices are our strength.

Air & Sea Freight

Our bulk airfreight and sea freight. - World service. - For large size shipment. - Door to door sen/ice to most destination. - Port to port services to all destination. - Cash on delivery service. - Freight Collect.


We have been in the field of global transportation module for over two decades. We are backed by solid hands-on experience base, having worked with major International players In this arena. This has enabled us in providing the best modulated procedures in tune with International Standard Operating Procedures.